My weight loss journey

After three pregnancies, too many calories and not enough exercise, I was overweight and very unhappy with my body. So I made the decision to change my lifestyle and commit to health and fitness. I started cutting my calories, eating a healthy, balanced diet and progressed my exercise program. I went from a size 16 to a size 2 and dropped my weight from 200lbs to 130lbs. I am now in better shape than I have ever been in my life and at age 34 my body has never been this fit.


me at 200 lbs!


Me 1 year later at 130lbs

My first blog-background

Posted Posted by Marathon Mama in Comments 7 comments

Today is Sunday, August 9th. I decided to create a blog as a journal of sorts tracking my journey through training for my first marathon happening on November 15th. I decided back in June that I wanted to run a marathon this year since I was already running about 4 days a week for 5 to six miles a time anyway. But it has been something I have wanted to do for the past few years but never had the confidence to try until now.

Just a little background, My name is Amy and I am 33 years old. I am the mother of 3 beautiful and very active boys, Zachary 14, Ethan 3 and Carter 1. The children consume my life everyday and I say that in the most fondness of ways ;). I have been blissfully married to my superman husband Loren for 7 years. Plus, I am also a working musician with a full gig calendar of singing engagements. Wow seeing my life in words is making me tired! Needless to say I have a very full plate.

I absolutely LOVE to run, it is one of my greatest passions that I have discovered now in my 30's. Just a few years ago after the birth of my second son Ethan, I was facing the daunting task of loosing 60 or so pounds of baby weight, so I started running and discovered that I did not know how I ever lived without it. Then later, after the birth of my third son Carter (1 year ago) I had another HUGE amount of weight to loose and regular running (plus eating healthy) did the trick. I started at almost 200 lbs and now I have dropped 60 of those pesky pounds and it feels DAMN good!

Running makes me so happy. I feel free, strong and totally in control when I run. It makes me feel accomplished to do something that is kinda hard and do it well. There is nothing else that gives me the physical, emotional and mental high than running does. I cant get enough, my day revolves around when and where I will run. It has become quite an obsession. I use the word "obsession" in the most positive way possible. I obsess over my ipod running playlists, so I dont get bored. Lately, I have gotten into NPR podcasts, it really makes the time fly. I also obsess over my routes, my gear like hydration packs, shoes, socks, bras, gels, sunblock, running clothes, the weather, what I eat before and after my runs, my digestion ( if you have ever run long distance you know what I mean) ect ect. There are many other factors than can make or break my happy run. I plan ahead a day or so in advance all the details of my run. I never knew it could be this complicated!

I started following a strict training schedule when I signed up for the marathon at the end of June. It consists of 6 days a week with long and short runs, cross training, speed work and rest. It has been a pretty big challenge for me just trying to fit all the workouts into my day with 3 children all at home for the summer. I also use to take 2 or 3 days off a week and now I have had to get use to only 1. So I am pretty tired, especially on my long run days. Most of my runs include pushing my 2 little ones in a very big double jogging stroller. The kids love it, as long as I pack plenty of snacks and juice they love the ride and being outside. But I also sometimes run without them when my hubby is home and that is really fun.

So I am now beginning week # 8 of serious marathon training. So far it has been going very well. I have really noticed improvements in my times and the way I feel when running. I have had a few annoying bugs such as a few toe blisters, sore joints, digestive issues and of course the sweltering Texas heat. Today I ran 13 miles in 1 hour and 52 minutes. I am going to write another posting telling today's funny story. I am up to about 35 miles a week and climbing, whew. My goal is to run the marathon in 4ish hours. Hopefully I can get there or at least give it a good try.
I hope that yall enjoy my blog and those of you who are running enthusiasts or not feel free to comment and share your experiences as well.


Anonymous said...

That is so great Amy!! It is very hard to run when you have kiddos..(at least i think so) I am debating to run the full marathon. The most i've ran was 15 miles in the Wounded Warrior Relay in New Braunfels. I did run the last to half-marathon's in San Antonio. I loved it! I think you will do great! Maybe i will see you there along with the thousands of other runners! LOL Good luck with training and all ;)

susan said...

wow, and i was impressed with myself running a 10k. way to go amy! i am going to keep up with this blog, so you better keep it up missy. love you cousin :)

Amy said...

Thanks Nadia amd Susan for the kind words. I will keep it up. Susan, I guess running "runs" in the family haha luv you too!

Nadia, maybe I will see you at the marathon!

The Rhea's said...

Wow Ive been considering taking up running again. I have always been "good" at it, just never had a feel for it. But I think you and Susan inspire me enough to do it! :)

Amy said...

You go girl! You should, it totally relaxes me and makes my stress float away. It has become quite an addiction :)

Tommy said...

It sounds like your kicken it girl. I remember the days I ran with that same high that you speak of. Oh for better knees or I would love to try and kick your butt girl.HA! There will never be another high like that one you get when you hit that last half mile of a long run (for me it was about 5 miles then) and you fill so great that you can just start that "kick" and it fills like racing the wind! What a High - no drug ever like it.
Keep on "kicken" Mrs. Amy And I hope to come out and see you soon.

Amy said...

Thanks Tommy I hear glucosamine is good for the knees.....I agree with you about the high, hope to see you soon

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