My weight loss journey

After three pregnancies, too many calories and not enough exercise, I was overweight and very unhappy with my body. So I made the decision to change my lifestyle and commit to health and fitness. I started cutting my calories, eating a healthy, balanced diet and progressed my exercise program. I went from a size 16 to a size 2 and dropped my weight from 200lbs to 130lbs. I am now in better shape than I have ever been in my life and at age 34 my body has never been this fit.


me at 200 lbs!


Me 1 year later at 130lbs

Today's 13 miler

Posted Posted by Marathon Mama in Comments 2 comments

So, today I was all ready to run. I had a plan. Full camel pack of half water, half sports drink, gels, shades, sweat towel, i pod, and my favorite quick dry running clothes. I am sure I looked totally dorky but who cares. I decided yesterday that since this would be my longest run so far in my training and I was running without the kids, I would run a different route I had never run before. I wanted to try and stay in shade and on asphalt (easier on the joints) as much as possible. So I mapped a route through 3 adjacent neighborhoods, part of a park and a few busy roads. These neighborhoods I had never been in so I had no idea what kind of path I was about to take, but I had a map. I just knew there was really nice houses and lots of shade. The plan was to run 11 miles but I ended up running 13, I will tell you why.

So, I started out at about 7:15am it was cool and clear. I got into the first neighborhood and I was enjoying running there. Passing some interesting homes with nice yards, lots to look at. It had WAY more big hills than I would have wanted but I guess that was ok. Then I took a wrong turn somewhere and I was lost in a maze of streets and allys. I guess I ran out of my way about 1 mile, maybe more before I found my original route that was planned and went on my way. I came to the first major road and it hit me. I needed an emergency restroom stop, major digestive issues! So I had a decision, either run out of my way about half a mile to the nearest restroom or keep on my path and have about 1 mile to the nearest restroom. So I decided to go with the half mile. After my restroom emergency was finally over and I got back on the road I was much happier and way less frustrated with my route and digestive issues. This is a good learning experience because I need to figure out what my body likes or dislikes the night before a long run. I ate pasta and garlic bread to "carbo-load" last night but obviously my tummy decided that it did not like that. Anyhow, I will try something different next week and do some research on it.

So I trekked along my way into the second unfamiliar neighborhood and I did sort of ok with the map. I did take a little wrong turn but quickly redirected myself and only went maybe a quarter mile out of the way. OBVIOUSLY I suck at following maps! Normally I am very good at it when driving but running on foot was different and I was confused and frustrated! Lesson learned I will stick to familiar paths on long runs. So when it was all over with my planned route, out of the way restroom stop, and getting lost twice, I ended up running farther than I planned but that's ok it was good to know I could do it.

I got home and immediately felt lightheaded and very tired. So I got some calories in me to replenish and I felt better. I have definitely been low on energy for the remainder of the day, which I expected.

I did have one new thing that had not happened to me before. I got some chaffing blisters on my lower back and chest from the friction. So I need to invest in some body glide for my long runs to prevent them....damn they hurt. So all in all today was for the most part a success and a learning experience.

Tomorrow I rest and then start another 6 days of training.

Thanks for reading and good night



Anonymous said...

i remember the first time i got lost..i just kept running till i was able to find the main road. oh, and i think it had to do with those 2 Rottweiler that were following me! LOL.. P.S.. i've never had chaffing blisters on my back or chest, sounds painful ;( i do always get blisters on my toes and bottom of my feet when i run long distances ;( well i really enjoy reading your journal, so keep up with it ;0) Happy running!

Amy said...

Oh my gosh I would freak out of dogs chased me....yikes! The blisters were from my sports bra and my camel pack. I got some body glide at academy and it helped today on my run, yes they are painful. I have had the toe blisters before too they are aweful so I changed my shoes to shoes with more room in the toe and it helped a lot. Thanks for reading and happy running to you too!

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