My weight loss journey

After three pregnancies, too many calories and not enough exercise, I was overweight and very unhappy with my body. So I made the decision to change my lifestyle and commit to health and fitness. I started cutting my calories, eating a healthy, balanced diet and progressed my exercise program. I went from a size 16 to a size 2 and dropped my weight from 200lbs to 130lbs. I am now in better shape than I have ever been in my life and at age 34 my body has never been this fit.


me at 200 lbs!


Me 1 year later at 130lbs

18 miler......whew I'm tired!

Posted Posted by Marathon Mama in Comments 0 comments

Learning how to fine tune the "long run" is a very complicated ordeal. I have finally figured out how to do this smoothly and without too many kinks. It is pretty cool to watch the change. My body is really starting to change and form itself to acclimate to this process over the last 13 weeks. I am noticing big differences in my endurance ability, comfort levels and shape. Every week I learn something new about my body and running long distances. I had a lot of fun this past week with my workouts and my runs. On Wednesday I did a ridiculous 7 miles in Eisenhower park. The reason I say ridiculous is because of the hills. If you have ever been there you know what I mean. I have run there many times but I guess when I haven't gone there for a while I forget how hard it is. I pushed my 2 little ones in the stroller running up those hills. It about killed me, one of my hardest workouts to date. Then I did 2 days of speed-work and cross-training with weights and yoga. It was a pretty good week. My total miles were ramped up a bit this week after last weeks ramp down. I ran 49 miles this week! I am pretty tired today needless to say.

Yesterday I ran my long run of 18 miles. It was my longest/farthest run to date. It was challenging but doable. I had a few problems along the way but for the most part it was good. My first 5 miles were a little rough. My foot started and then stopped hurting. After that for about a mile, my eyes reacted to something in the air and they were on fire, watering so much that I could hardly see. Once that was over it went great. I had zero digestion problems, I had the right mix of calories and fluids to keep me going and feeling strong. The weather was wonderful, sunny but not too hot with a great breeze. I had some great pod casts to listen to from "this American life" and I just kept on running. I made one quick stop at a Walgreens to get more Powerade and that's it. I ran it all in 3 hours at an average 9.4 min/mile pace. It felt great to complete this and I felt really strong the majority of the run. When it was over, I was exhausted and very soar, but happy to have completed this long run successfully. If all the aspects are right I should make it through this OK......I hope.

After yesterdays long run and my week of really hard workouts, I am very tired and am resting as much as I can today. Tomorrow I get out there and keep going.

Just as a side note I want to say something about running. My running experience has taught me so many things. It has taught me so much about patience, commitment, love and respect for nature, peace, feeling centered and most of all it keeps me mentally and physically fit. The benefits of regular running has improved my life tremendously, I highly recommend it. I don't care what anyone says, the benefits far out-way the risks. Running is one of my favorite activities and it brings so much joy to a lot of people. I am tired of people telling me that its bad for me!

Here is a link for all the doubters out there, please read:,7120,s6-241-285--12232-0,00.html

OK I feel better now thanks for letting me vent :).

Thanks for reading my blog and happy running.



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